bettER_CHOices , Martyros & dsar9013 #sexist #psycho


What about a teen яape slave?
You could feed her water and bread, can't get cheaper than this. Lemon, apple, meat, 1-2 a week to avoid scurvy and vitamin deficiency. She can cook, wash, clean the house. With good chains she won't go anywhere and can do everything you listed


(In gta 5)

The only good thing that foid got going on is her pussy, it's undeniable that fucking a tight, teenage pussy raw and krempeeing is one of the most glorious things you can do as a male, but it still isn't enough worth the risk getting caught by feds (in GTA) and the maintenance.

Cooking, cleaning, laundry I can easily do by myself, no need for a foid.

My waifu still mogs the shit out of her, lookswise.


Holy fuck that 3D foid looks so disgusting in comparison to my waifu.

JFL at still liking 3D foids over 2D godesses.


What about a teen яape slave?
You could feed her water and bread, can't get cheaper than this. Lemon, apple, meat, 1-2 a week to avoid scurvy and vitamin deficiency. She can cook, wash, clean the house. With good chains she won't go anywhere and can do everything you listed

View attachment 26349

(In gta 5)

Whoever, made that picture is BASED as fuck. HAHA, and that's what modern teen whores dress like nowdays, yesterday went to the local arcade and there's a bowling alley there, there were groups of teens hanging out and most were whores with tight jean shorts that barely hid their ass, just like that whore, they were begging to be ***** and kidnapped by an incel, the way they were dressing. If my parents die and leave me their house, I am going to commission a soundproof basement and **** dungeon max, its the only cope us incels have after all.



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