(on a deviation titled "I'm Bi Deal With It", also we really should add a biphobia tag already)
deviant art is for art, not badly created dumb looking stamps anouncing to the world that ur a perverted freak. whatever family problems u have, keep it in the family cause people come here to enjoy art. and homophobia is a made up word by depraved sickos who wanted to get their way. ur uncle paul is an animalistic shit playing loser and ur parents have every right to hate him. think of it this way, do u think humans should have sex with animals? do u have dreams of fucking ur own father? well. sweetie. that is natural too.
incest and zoosexuality is common in nature. try watching a little furry porn and then see how ur parents feel when confronted with such an abnormality.or look at the fabulous expressions of love, brother sexing his sister, grandson with his own grandmother and father and daughter who want to raise children
u have no right telling others to deal with them, then i have the right to tell u that u have to support pedophilia, necrophilia, incest, polygamy and zoosexuality. makes u a fucking hypocrite if u dont!!
ur family will deal with things on their own terms, so stop being a disgusting bitch.
fyi, i dont know whether u will go to hell but u certaily seem like an attention whore.
now, a small word from a zoosexual to see just the kind of openmindedness u should imbibe to not seem like a hypocrite.
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