various commenters #transphobia
( klytaimestra )
I don't need to figure out what being a woman means to me. Just like I don't need to figure out what having two arms means to me.
And, yes, I am superior to delusional, misogynist porn addicts. That doesn't need much figuring out either.
( OverTheWall )
It’s funny that he thinks actually women are concerned about our “gender identity” we don’t have one. We’re real biological women. Whether we’re “hairy” or don’t fit into gender stereotypes we’re still women. It’s not a made up identity it’s reality.
Trans women have nothing but surgery, consumerism, and misogynistic stereotypes. That is their existence.
And as men, trans”women” will never be allies. So no I won’t be called “cis”, by some creepy pervert.
( Persimmon64 )
Fellas, fellas,
You aren't describing different types of dogs. What you're doing is claiming that some cats are types of dogs as well.
Nope, no, uh-huh.
We're not having it. It doesn't come from fear. It doesn't come from insecurity. It comes from the fact that you're a porn-soaked, mysogynistic pig of a man who wants to control women's words, behaviors, and even the language we can use for ourselves.
Womanhood isn't something you fight for. It isn't something you can "attain." It isn't something praiseworthy or admirable. It isn't an accomplishment or a badge if honor. It's just our daily reality and something you are not and never will be a part of.
We know that since you're men you have a hard time taking "no" from women as an answer, but you really need to "do better".
( MaryDyer )
We don’t think we’re “superior” to transwomen, since transwomen ARE NOT women.
( ByzantineOtter )
I mean, I think we're superior to so-called transwomen...
(but then, I also think men who don't go around in fetish gear 24/7 are superior to TIMs. As are children. And babies. So there's no undue pride there)
( Committing_Tervery )
Just because they’re men doesn’t mean we aren’t superior to them, though. We absolutely are.
( hellamomzilla )
No, sir. None of you are any type of woman. All of you are men. Full stop. And if anyone is behaving out of superiority it is for sure the men who think they can just SAY that they’re women and then tell women that understanding human biology is hurtful TO MEN.