anon1822 #sexist

In our lives we've seen millions of images of attractive women. On the internet, TV, and even in real life. And yet we'll never get to experience it.

Just think about how insane this is. We'be been bombarded with imagery of sexy and attractive women our entire lives. And yet we'll never get to actually do what a man does with an attractive woman.

At best some of us will "ascend" at 30+ with some used-up hag.

Images of attractive women are all around us, yet for us it's like being shown juicy hamburgers everywhere our entire lives, when at best all we'd ever get are boiled potatoes without salt.

I'll take one of them in a second.

A :heart: FOR ROASTIES !!!!

We'd all "take it", but that's like eating a piece of chewed up gum after being tantalized with sirloin steak your whole life.

Not for me. I have a thing for slutty milfs

That's cause you're imagining this


when you'll actually be getting something like this


((((They)))) are showing us sexy images of foids to psychologically torture people who were born into the Incel Cinematic Universe

It never began

It's pretty insane. Then women want you to believe that they're not flaunting it in front of men to bother them. This society forces you to see sexual imagery. Billboard ads even have Victoria's Secret models on them.

Our whole life from puberty on out was characterized by a terrible omissive violence against us. They fucking made our lives hellish. I hate the left for the destruction they caused and the right for not having done anything besides of proposing its cucked tradcuck chivalrous bullshit as opposed to the left ("see, leftists? You are the real anti-women here")

It is indeed a kind of violence, that's a very interesting perspective. It's cruel and torturous, that's for sure.

there's one way of getting these, but it's through cheating

Ehh, hookers aren't even 1% as satisfying as a real woman wanting to have sex with you. And it's not just because of you actually being desired by a woman that non-hookers are much more satisfying, but there's a lot of other factors that go into it. The feeling of intimacy, the warmness and giddiness, cuddling, making out, trying various positions, falling asleep together etc...

I find 99% of women attractive

I find soup tasty enough too, but it doesn't even compare to a fine ass burger with some fries and pizza.

I didn't mean hookers

The same applies for rape. Rape can never be as satisfying as cuddling with a woman that wants you after you've both had a night of passion.



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