several wingnut metalheads #wingnut #elitist #dunning-kruger #pratt

(Context: wingnuts react to meme denouncing conservatives who listen to metal and punk.)

Metal isn't really about rebellion. Some artists intend to be rebellious with their music, and subgenres were born out of opposition to certain trends, but that's the extent of it. In general, metalheads only really care about music. Just because something is fringe or extreme doesn't mean it's a conscious rebellion against anything.

(deleted user)
People who think metal is about rebellion will always be posers

I’m old enough to remember when being punk was being anti establishment. Now it’s nothing but pro establishment hypocrisy

What an unnecessary and hateful post, and no I’m not a republican. OP, great job creating divide in a community while accomplishing nothing.

I’d say I’d look forward to your reply, but it seems you’re too scared to reply to most comments here

Bitching about shit on social media platforms is real rebellious!

I literally can't think of a more safe political stance to follow than modern leftism

That sub and this meme sucks, poser

(deleted user)
Punk is when you dont offend people

Yeah Nazis were big conservatives. It's not like they tried to burn the fucking planet down and rebuild it with shocking new ideas. They were all about conserving what was already there and maintaining the status quo.

Being for a socialist nanny state isn't exactly anti-establishment either.

Laissez fair!

Following the crowd and bashing a whole group of people just cause you have differing opinions? Sounds like a bootlicker to me

Your point? That was a staged event so you should probably try to do a bit of research & learn some truth.



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