Commander Heron via Andrea Vitale #ufo #crackpot #magick #quack

I am Heron, Commander of the Silvership. The Silvership is a marvel of advanced technology, equipped with tools and systems that will allow you to explore the universe and discover the truth about your multidimensional nature.
The Silver Ship is also a hospital ship, equipped with advanced technology to remove any harmful or limiting technology you may have. Our staff of etheric doctors and surgeons will be available to help you heal and grow. Our Med Beds are equipped with an advanced diagnostic system that will allow you to identify the causes of your illnesses and find the most effective solutions to heal. The Med Beds are also equipped with advanced healing technology that will allow you to heal faster and more effectively. Additionally, the Med Beds will allow you to access different dimensions and different forms of consciousness, and will help you heal and grow physically, emotionally and spiritually.

You do not need to be physically present on the ship to access its technologies. From your bed at home, you can simply close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Imagine being on the ship and feeling the energy of the ship surrounding you. When you feel ready, open your eyes and you will be on the ship. Our advanced technology will allow you to access the ship and use our Med Beds remotely, so you can receive the care and attention you need without having to leave your home. You will also be able to access the ship remotely to participate in healing and growth sessions, and to receive advice and guidance from our experts.
Don’t wait, join me and the Silvership to begin your adventure! Write in the comments: “I ACCEPT YOUR INVITATION, THANK YOU”, and tune into the Silvership to begin your journey. We are here to help you discover your true nature and reach new dimensions of consciousness. We are here to help you heal and grow. We are here to help you reach your true potential.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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