null59 #wingnut

>>The question was “what does a gop utopia look like”

I'll take a stab at this

Healthcare and wealth inequality

Remove the FDA, reclassify the CDC as a military wing and fire / retrain accordingly. Rebuild the IRS from the ground up, consumption tax and a one-flat for every income. No bracket fuckery.

Abolish every single public payor system that exists now (Medicare, Medicaid, etc.. But excluding ones that serve veterans). Implement something similar to Yang's UBI thats opt in and not predicated on a disability or poverty standard, thats weighted for COL in a given state.

Ill clarify that last bit. Lets say you have a family of 4 and live in Orange County. COL for that family size there is roughly $12k monthly, including rent / food / utilities. Youd get a monthly freedom dividend of $4k. A family of the same size in Montana where the COL is around $3k monthly, means you get a dividend of $900. Opting in would exclude you from every single other government benefit program, including unemployment.

Global scale

Close US bases in the EU, bring troops home. End involvement in the UN. Draw a hard line with China, either they pay us for their economic infringement or we go to war and level Beijing.

Abolish the EPA and bar trade with any countries that implement a carbon tax.

Statehood for Saskatchewan, Alberta and Quebec.


Increase the number of CBP and ICE. (At least as many officers in those agencies as we have in City PDs, so millions.) Finish the wall but also patrol it with drones, ramp up CBP presence on our northern borders as well.

Break up "sanctuary cities", prosecute for treason those involved with the shelter of criminal aliens.

Put quotas on EU immigrants, or totally block them from applying to enter entirely. Keep current restrictions on existing hotbed countries like Syria.

Gun rights

Abolish the ATF, repeal the NFA and any regulation that infringes on an American's right to keep and bear arms.

And yes, since it'll come up, private citizens should be allowed to own Abrams tanks if they can afford it.

Social issues

Break up large, crime infested cities like Detroit, Chicago and Seattle.

Retrain existing city PD, supplement gaps with private security operators. These would be armed but unsworn enforcers. They'd maintain peace but not have the license to arrest or detain, only to use scalable force to maintain peace.

Re-normalize the nuclear family. Build more churches and synagogues, reinforce the importance of some kind of higher calling. Classify Atheists as a hate group (which they are). Ratify the courts to oust existing judges that rule unfairly in divorce and custody proceedings.


Abolish the DOE. School choice should be the standard.

Tax credits with no expiry for attending a trade school to completion.

Start slapping heavy fines, in the millions or tens of millions on Universities and Colleges that politicize their curriculum and facilitate sex crimes (spoiler alert its most of them)


Voter ID as the standard. Term limits for every single elected position.

Criminal Justice

Push for more states to adopt the death penalty. Apply it to more crimes, and speed up the prosecution and appeals for death penalty charges.

Decriminalize minor drug possession and usage.

The high prison population is a problem. Between stemming the influx, and shrinking it via executions, we can decrease those numbers drastically.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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