various commenters #wingnut #racist #sexist

( @Nature_and_Race )
Can anyone show me where "single childless White women" run any branch of government, the military, law enforcement, Hollywood, Wall Street, the media, universities, or even grade schools?

Sargon here is towing the anti-White party line, playing it completely safe, taking no personal risks at all, by blaming White women (like the anti-White Liberal that he is), rather than calling out the actual tribe that does own and control all of the abovementioned facets of society.

( @NSSAP )
@Nature_and_Race -- It is easier, and safer to blame everyone, except the real culprits. International jewry.

( @Romanian_Hustler )
@NSSAP its the globalist bro. Not jews. Globalist

( @Morgul )
@Nature_and_Race Divide and conquer. The engineers are hard at work fostering a multi-racial male rightwing while alienating White women from White men. The fact people can't see this befuddles me.

Scapegoat White women while ignoring how non-whites vote is subversive. We've all seen the charts.

( @My_burner )
@Nature_and_Race he’s always been a cuck like that. I remember when he interviewed or debated
Andrew Anglin he kept trying to present him as some NAZI genocidal maniac

( @Kriger1488 )

And anglin is a cuck too. He works with the jew weev.

( @MessageSent )
@Nature_and_Race to be fair women control the sexual marketplace. Tale as old as time. The devil manipulates the woman to subvert the man.

( @_Seraphim_ )

It’s the fuckin jews

( @Tentontin )
@Nature_and_Race Jews create the problem, White men allow the problem, White women accept the problem as now new normal.

( @Diversity_is_our_weakness )
What are white men suppose to do?

( @Angryhumanbeing )
@Nature_and_Race Jews. It is the Jews. It has always been the Jews. They use groups as tools.

( @JamieEverhart )

Yes we know the Jewish gangsters run alot of the world. Can't do much about it right now. We do have some control over white women though as they are a large demographic.



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