An incel calling an incel an incel
image Panel 1:
A fat man, a jock with a t-shirt reading “I ♥️ SLUTS” and a swastika tatoo, and a woman are standing in a cafe.
Jock: “Hey bitch”
Panel 2:
The woman has turned around to face the jock.
Jock: “Come suck my fat cock, now”
Woman: “Hehe OK”
Panel 3:
The woman and the jock have left. An incel wearing a black pill shirt has entered the scene. The fat man looks at the incel.
Incel: “That’s strange”
Fat man: “You’re alone because you hate women”
I’ve been a woman now for over 50 years, but I’ve never looked like that (nor have I known any woman who looked like that), nor have I answered when someone says “Hey Bitch”, nor have I been spoken to (quite) like that in Panel 2.
And yes, the “incel” is hating women. It’s the stupid brawny misogynist that is behaving badly, but the “incel” hates the woman for his behavior!
How about if he stepped up and told the horrible piece of sh*t not to treat women like that? No, she would not have thrown herself at him, but he’d have a woman friend, and the more woman friends he’ll have, the higher the chance of one of them feeling something more than friendship for him, or that some of the friends of his female friends might like him. Plus, the more he socialized with women, the more he’d realize that we are individuals, with individual wants and needs.
If I were to actually encounter a woman with such an atrocious taste in men and such low standards., I would not be jealous; if anything, I would be GLAD not to be with her.
Fortunately, such women are pretty rare, no matter how much you try to insist that all women are like that.
Nonono, this comic is all wrong. The brawny dude should be the incel, asking the same question to the woman, only for her to turn away in disgust. Then he begins to scream that all women are superficial and that even with all the gym-maxxing he has done they still don’t like him because of his ‘hideous’ face. Followed by two normal looking dudes, one with, one without a girlfriend, looking at him and the one with one stating ’That’s strange’ and the other saying ’He’s alone because he hates women’. Voila, much more realistic (up to and including the fact that both the shirt and the swastika are more fitting for incels anyway).
Oh and no incel I have ever heard of would just say ’That’s strange’, indeed he would say ’That’s true everytime! ‘ and go on an hour-long tirade about the evil superficiality of women and how he deserves to only fuck 9-10s/10 if the world was just.
What I’m trying to say is: The Incel delusion has gotten quite tiresome.
Ohhh no, don’t try and put the swastikas on us, incel. You’re the guy with that Teutonic Knight fuckhead and the legion of Neo-Nazis hanging out on your website. You’re the ones who use the three parentheses, you’re the ones who traffic in the antisemitic conspiracy theories…
Let’s be honest here, you’re just angry and bitter some girl went out with a better looking, muscular guy and you imagined THIS is how it went.
A Jock, a skinhead and a woman are at a bar in Glasgow.
The Jock is a Scotsman, the skinhead is wearing an anti-Nazi T-shirt because they're left -wing there, and the latter being so feminist has bought both the Jock and the woman drinks.
That's how it works y'see, OP: especially North of the Border here in this part of Planet Reality.
What’s with these assholes and their twisted notion that you need to be an asshole to get women to like you!?!? I sure as fuck know that sort of shit DOES NOT FLY AT ALL, in fact, women who had dated assholes before tend to try and AVOID dating another one BECAUSE of the fact that these jackoffs were so goddamn horrible to them
Now back to reality:
Jock: “Come suck my fat cock, now”
Woman: (calls the police)
Fat man: (films the whole thing with his phone and puts it online)
Incel: (thinks he can now try with the woman) “How about mine?”
The cops arrest both and the jock beats the shit out of the incel in the holding cell.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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