European Son #pratt #racist
RE: “I Despise White People” Lawsuit Against OSU Can Go Forward
“I despise white people” Then GET THE KCUF OUT of our country. Screw it, get off our planet.
Would love to see these people manage in Sub-Saharan Africa without the use of anything created, invented or discovered by Whites along with any kind of white aid... Blacks couldn't even manage to invent the wheel and still to this day can't even figure out how to feed themselves without massive aid... Blacks living in white nations have by far the highest quality of life of any Blacks ever yet they seriously think we have somehow wronged them... They should be sent home immediately to face reality...
they cannot possibly despise us more than we do them.
Only difference, of course, is we have legitimate reasons... Blacks benefit immensely from white innovation and living among Whites while Blacks have contributed nothing of value and only bring problems to communities... If Blacks weren't so brainwashed by their "blame whitey" nonsense and were instead aware of the massive benefits they have due to living in white nations along with all that Whites have created and most of all were honest with themselves regarding such things they would be immensely thankful (as they should be) but instead we have to deal with all this...
If a white in that position said something similar about hating blacks OSU would have fired them in lightning speed yet they protect a black saying how she hates white people. Typical in academia.
White money and support is funding institutions that preach hatred against Whites, worship nonwhites and give all kinds of advantages to others and not them... It's insane...
Nothing is more important than uniting as a people in great enough numbers and fighting back as a group because only with numbers can we make real change... and the whole system needs to change...