@ Timjer- Short of being murdered, there ain’t much the Whore can do to improve her image now. She’s forever known as a cheap hooker with the lowest standards imaginable, & who doesn’t care about kids being pried from their families & thrown in cages. She chose it, & chose to join him in being a greedy, bigoted skid mark. The only reason she has fans is because the idiot, knuckle dragging republican men want to pork her, seeing as how she clearly possesses no gag reflex & will fuck anyone with enough money. She’s a slight step up from Bristol Palin-Moronia at least makes you buy her some tacky clothes first.
Pig Vomit may only fit the genetic definition of human, but has no humanity. As far as I can see, literal zombies have more humanity.
@ Why- I’ve read that too. There’s definitely blood in the water, & there’s a big ol’ Great White shark out there named Leticia James circling him. As far as the Slav Slut goes, she no doubt have her tacky bags packed, but she may be in for a rude surprise when she finds out just how broke Pig Vomit is. She may have re-worked her pre-nup, but that won’t mean shit to the Russian mob or to Deutsche Bank when they seize Pig Vomit’s bedbug ridden properties. She’ll either have to shack up with a Russian oligarch & subsist on borscht every day or she’s back to blowing sweaty mineral traders in the Slovenian capital. Plus, she’s now burdened with that sociopathic doofus she chose to drop as an anchor baby. Sugar daddies don’t typically dig 50 year old skanks (that were also once Jeffery Epstein’s property) with deranged children hanging around.
@ Spuki- He clearly is a chip off the old block, if the old block is an unstable, senile, filth encrusted felon-to-be. I think that kid was doomed from the start, but he’s a teenager now. He’s more than old enough to know what good behavior is & chooses to be a turd. Remember back when there was the slightest bit of hope for Tiffany, the forgotten daughter? The one Pig Vomit doesn’t want to fuck? Well she opened her trap a few weeks ago & proved us all correct-that anyone with the last name Trump (or Kushner) is an irredeemable bag of shit.
What a day it will be when Pig Vomit finally croaks from that massive coronary he’s working towards. He’s supposedly been devouring fast food for the past week & a half-his arteries have to resemble clogged sewer pipes at this point. I hope they do. The ensuing celebrations will dwarf the spontaneous parties from election weekend. The collective wails from both his now-adrift spawn desperately trying to remain relevant & from his stormtrumpers will be satisfying to the point of being sexual.