KatAnon/Juan O Savin #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot anonup.com

You mention all these different names with lucifer in it.
The “Lucis Trust” is what the Rockefellers put money into
to finance the United Nations.
They use Lucis/lucifer over & over again..
How did WW1 start?
The sinking of the “Lusitania..”
They have to hide it in plain sight
& if you don’t take action against it
that’s your fault..
Who set up Japanese Intelligence?
That was a MacArthur Operation
as we rebuilt Japan.. after WW2.
That’s why MacArthur & Eisenhower
decided together that Eisenhower
should go for the Presidency.
MacArthur acted like he rolled up & went away
yet he was helping coordinate
Intelligence people against
that Rockefeller operation & that Brit operation
that created CIA & Air Force & all the Masonic ties in there..
That MacArthur crowd
is the original crowd that led to..
the 17th letter operation in this current period.
It’s got earlier origins prior to that even
but that’s the modern side of this 🎖️🕊️




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