@AlpacaLynn #26523
Doublethink? That would imply they do it the first time around.
Anyhoo, on with the show.
Women's Suffrage and equal employment for women are scams used by the elite to take control of all of the population and ultimately to enslave the next generations.
Step 1: Equality for all!
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit!
With the introduction of womens votes the shill democratic leaders simply manipulate the empathy of women today to impose bad welfare policies and white genocide through "refugees".
As opposed to the big burly manly policies of ‘scorched earth’ and ‘fuck y’all, got mine,’ right? Also, you’re a disgusting failure of ape evolution. You make our chimp ancestors ashamed.
The equality of education has also made women waste their best years in universities spewing out 'feminism' and other forms of propaganda to make them hate their opposite sex.
Clearly said by someone who’s never set foot inside a school of any kind. “Feminism,” in it’s original form, at least, is merely the idea that women have opinions, wants and needs of their own separate from their menfolks and they should be given the chance to explore those facets of themselves without fear of reprisal. As for hating men, dude, you ain’t making me love us right now.
The introduction of equal employment for men and women has had similarly disastrous results. With double the workers wages were halved and this is clear from the vital need for both the husband and the wife (if they havent divorced and thus caused more economic uncertainty for themselves and especially their children) to work hard. This means that they cannot pay attention to their children who are often given far too many consumer products to compensate for their absence. This absence is of course "mended" by the government enslaving the children in their 'education system'.
I may concede that kids are spending too much time staring at screens, but the answer isn’t “remove agency from grown women!!” I don’t know what the answer is, I never claimed to be the wisest owl in this forest, but I know what it isn’t.
Think about it - How many women have you seen who dress and act exactly like men? I've seen a lot. This is because their equality has totally devalued them.
Exactly like men? Right down to the crotch-grabbing and rampant farting? Well, my mother, but that’s hardly a raging majority. And only someone who limits the ‘worth’ of women as baby-presses and sammich-chefs would think giving them the freedom to explore alternatives was “devaluing” them.
Women used to be considered the vital sex in preserving the race and tribe and men were the expendable ones who protected them and, if they were strong, mated with them.
Big shockaroo, now we believe that neither gender is expendable, and both are vital to preserving the race! Wow, societies change as they learn stuff, whodafuckin’ thunk it?
More on the point of expendable: Propaganda shows such as "Our Girl" in Britain, now encourage women to join the army and serve on the frontlines and die like men.
Once again, saying “hey, this thing exists” is not the same as saying “hey, go out and do this thing!” I doubt very much that the show encourages women joining the military and merely shows them joining.
Women are the only ones who can birth a child!
A documentary by famed biologist Arnold Schwarzeneggar begs to differ, as do many mpreg sites.
Men cannot produce children
“Semen, how does it work?”
[M]en are stronger physically and thus they are designed to PROTECT WOMEN! This is in our nature and it exists that way for good reason.
Horseshit and a half. Men may be physically stronger, but nobody was “designed” for jack shit.
Women no longer have that value because they have been brought down to the same common denominator as men. Women are now owned by the state.
Again, you value women only as wombs and holes. If one values them as actual fucking people, then no, they’re not devalued in the slightest.
And nobody owns anybody. Which is really what sticks in your craw, ain’t it?
Under this 100 years of Feminism the global elite has successfully turned every man, woman and child into a wage slave. A debt slave.
You just know he’s struggling to not say “Jews” here. He wants to so badly. He’s practically forming the word, when he momentarily thinks better of it and swaps it out for the barely-different synonym, “global elite.”
Combine this with the LGBT propaganda machine and you see that the world is being turned into an androgynous slave mass.
And here we hit hashtag bingo. If only he had mentioned Orgon or his pineal glands activating or time travel or some shit, we’d have the fundie powerball.