Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy #wingnut creators.com

But here are the details the deep state doesn't want you to know.

I started my speech by reporting that I debated at a huge libertarian conference called FreedomFest a couple of years ago about the topic, "Was the 2020 Election Stolen From Trump?" FreedomFest brought in a liberal New York journalist to debate me.

He had what he thought were all the facts to destroy my arguments about the fraud of mail-in ballots, no voter ID, ballot drop boxes, ballot harvesting, no signature match, counting votes for days on end until only Democrats win, and of course, 3 a.m. deliveries of hundreds of thousands of fake ballots (which turned out to be almost 100% for Joe Biden).

While we debated about all of those voting scams perpetrated by Democrats, I destroyed him with a surprise attack he never saw coming. My main argument was that illegal alien votes made the difference in the 2020 election, specifically in battleground states. He had no answers for that argument.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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