Henry Makow, PhD #conspiracy #racist #wingnut #homophobia henrymakow.com
In the last few years, banks have become increasingly active in pushing the globalist agenda. For example, my bank is all for "diversity" --homosexuality and im-migration. (It is rare to find a male white teller at a Canadian bank who is not a homosexual.) Similarly, most corporations sing from the same globalist songbook.
Banks are all franchises of the Rothschild world central banking system, much like some MacDonald's stores are independently owned. But banks all depend on the central bank for "money." That's why banks and the corporations dependent on them promote bizarre agendas like gender dysfunction, family breakdown, gun control, miscegenation and minority status for Caucasians.
Who owns this franchise? This system of accounts? Who adds or subtracts credit?
Who decides who gets to play?
A syndicate of mostly cabalist (Masonic) Jewish banking families led by the Rothschilds.
Unfortunately, these Cabalists are Satanists. They are determined to protect and extend this banking monopoly to a monopoly over everything -- real wealth, political power, knowledge, media, education, culture, religion, law etc. They want to own us and our children as well. (We are collateral on the national debt.) This is the essence of Communism and New World Order which is largely in place.
The "Deep State" is the secret network dedicated to protecting the fraudulent banking system and advancing its satanic agenda. Most of the players belong to Freemasonry or Organized Jewry. Intelligence agencies like the CIA, Mossad, and MI-6, the police and the army are the bankers' enforcers. Mass surveillance (the NSA etc.) ensures that nobody gets any ideas.
Everyone -- MDs, cops, politicians, journalists -- is controlled by money. Our feckless ancestors gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us, This, in a nutshell, is the key to understanding the covid hoax.