The ENERGY of people can be STOLEN from them.
If you make somebody angry, so that they think about you while you REFUSE to think of them.
Haters convert calories into thoughts which have YOUR name on them.
They are GIVING you power.
I’m confused by this. Haters consume extra energy because of their hate, which gives other people power? And that power is “stolen” by non-haters? Is he saying that the more people hate you, the more powerful you are? That’s only one possible interpretation of this jumbled mess, but the one I think makes the most sense given who’s saying it.
It kinda baffles me how some people have any sort of following. Especially when they constantly say stupid shit like this.
@Zinna I think that would be the best interpretation of it. The talk of energy being "stolen" almost seems like a non-sequitur with the rest of it. And even then, from how he's describing it, people putting energy into thoughts would help no matter what the thoughts were. Like, people thinking about their pickup artist hero, a fucking terrible rapist with legal troubles, or a kickboxer and MMMA fighter with an admittedly decent record all are "putting calories into thoughts with "his" name on it." The context of the thought really shouldn't matter?
Of course Tate is an idiot, so parsing his nonsense can be admittedly difficult.
You hate what’s been done to you: and that’s before you’re handed over to my country’s legal system.
It’s not only Romania’s authorities that have won, Andrew Taint.
@Zinnia #215690
More or less. He’s encouraging his followers to make people angry, thus giving his followers more power. He is promoting this as a lifestyle.
This quote does actually have some significance, albeit not in the way Tate intends. While his Tate’s followers have very little power (unless you’re living in the same building as one) they are not deserving of hatred. The most they deserve is our pity, perhaps our concern, and maybe our help if they ask for it.
And Tate himself? Every mention of him should be accompanied by the comment that he put out videos where he talked about committing crimes, then came over all astonished when he got arrested. He deserves nothing but ridicule (and a prison sentence). The lists of ‘Ten Stupidest Criminals’ you see on the Internet will likely include him one day.
Oh brilliant idea, Tate. 💡😜 Because when you turn people into haters, you should WATCH YOUR BACK!!! Because you never know what they might do in revenge. You are just stirring up trouble for these boys who worship you.
But you need to watch your back where you're going... and don't drop the soap.
“If you make somebody angry, so that they think about you while you REFUSE to think of them.”
Like Greta Thornberg? Pretty sure she dismissed you almost immediately. But since we all saw that you lost that exchange, I’m more sure it would take you a while to move on from that.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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