Gary D Barnett/Henry Makow Phd #conspiracy #racist #wingnut
Reply from Gary D Barnett
I do very much appreciate your re-posting my articles on your site, as I think those of us that seek to tell the truth and educate others of the grand conspiracy to control all is of vital importance, and the more exposure the better.
With that said, you have mischaracterized me completely, and for reasons that not only do I not understand and disagree with entirely, but with which I would never agree. Your criticism relies only on the notion that Jews are the sole reason and entity responsible for all the world's ills, and that I do not agree with this belief. While I respect your opinion, I find this to be incorrect, especially since I have been researching and writing about the horrors of all systems of power and control (government and private) for well over two decades. To base everything only on Jews is shortsighted in my opinion.
You are correct in that I do not lay all blame at the feet of any single culture, government, religion, or societal group, and to do so blinds any individual seeking to understand all the evil that exists on this planet, in every area of the world, by every type and nationality of the ruling 'elite.' I do firmly believe that a very small group of people at the very top are in control, but that this group is made up of many more than just Masonic Jews.
My reply
"Your criticism relies only on the notion that Jews are the sole reason and entity responsible for all the world's ills, and that I do not agree with this belief."
Thanks Gary for mis-characterizing me
Clearly you have never read my work. I always refer to "Jews and Freemasons" who are gentile Satanists and the instrument of the satanist Jewish central bankers. The central bankers are Cabalist Jews. They control money and gentiles with it. Also I make clear that it is satanist Jews who are the enemies of assimilated Jews like myself. Why don't you do some research beginning with my site? You ARE part of the problem Gary.