Steve Thomas #conspiracy #wingnut #racist
The 'Evelyn Rothschild' Facebook page contains a central link directly connecting to the bizarre RAELIAN movement - a sinister New Age cult . The group's website states: "The Raelian Revolution is boldly bringing about a complete paradigm shift on our planet." This cannot be ignored, given its claim that a who's who of the world's elite, including Barack Obama and Tony Blair, are its "friends."
The cult is headed by a man they call RAEL MAITREYA - Maitreya being a Sanskrit word for the anticipated 'new Buddha', or 'enlightened one'. The term has been absorbed within New Age and Theosophy terminology, where it has come to mean; the coming WORLD TEACHER. Others, especially bona fide students of the Bible, from many mainstream, non-cult, religious groups, believe this Maitreya to be a future manifestation of the ANTICHRIST.
1. The known GLOBAL ELITE, (infused with Rothschild and Rockefeller family members, European Dynastic Nobility, Royalty, and Global business leaders, the world's most wealthy, Sultans & Sheiks, media & entertainment stars.)
2. The ILLUMINATI, via the actual name appearing throughout Facebook entries of almost 600 people, from Clinton to Gates etc
3. World FREEMASONRY, via the multiple Masonic Lodge connections running out from this unholy web across the world.
5. A sinister spiritual connection between the groups - the infamous RAELIAN CULT, which looks to 'extra-terrestrial' influences to guide us into 'planetary harmony'. This group incredibly provides us with an almost impossible-to-locate list of the most significant players on the world stage, in all areas of public and private life. And a mutual direct link to the 'GOLDEN DAWN', hosting overt Satanism, Witchcraft, Luciferianism, and Thelema Magick. And the now infamous ANGEL ILLUMINATI.