Parents With Inconvenient Truths about Trans #transphobia

Our children are being injured and mutilated and are being turned against us. Who is to blame? There are so many contenders: willing doctors, greedy surgeons, cheerleader psychologists, the internet, chat groups, video games, isolation due to COVID, delusional teachers and counselors, mentally disturbed philosophers and writers, drug companies, willing insurance companies, anime, porn, lawmakers, probably a few others. But if you take away the noise, and look at this phenomenon from 10,000 feet, who is doing the actual harm? The answer is clear: gender doctors.


Violence or threats of violence against gender doctors run into legal problems, so are not sustainable and not recommended. Maybe mass picketing of gender clinics? Picketing of AMA conventions, headquarters? I’ve seen this before, although the press never picks it up. Still, I can think of some great signs that I haven’t seen before: “Jail the gender doctors”, among others.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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