The author mentioned "the need for each group to have its own territory, autonomy, and control of its future" and survival in his account. These are the arguments I make when I talk to others about race. No need to badmouth nonwhites and talk about IQ. Every other race and ethnic group still pretty much have their own homelands, and our people need to have homelands also. Otherwise, we will exist as a hated minority in each country we inhabit and never have control over our destiny as a people again.
Just about every white person I've talked to and told them that there might be anti-white persecution/civil unrest always say, "Oh, but I don't see race/color" I say back to them, "Just because you don't see race or color or don't hate different people doesn't mean they don't hate you and wouldn't harm you because of your race. Just because you don't want to fight doesn't mean they won't push you into a corner. Don't assume because you're fair and nice to people that they'll be back with you. No, I'm not saying be a jerk either, but always keep your guard up."
I have noticed that when people are too nice, they are taken advantage of. The same applies to races. Whites are too nice, too fair, too fearful, and these characteristics will be our downfall if we don't wake up.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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