[Submitter’s Note: Libertarian Party NH officially opposes the death penalty in its official charter.]
Marcellus Williams was a fucking murderer you gay retarded communist.
While it’s never been official US Supreme Court doctrine, there have been cases where the more conservative members of the court have said things to the effect that innocence isn’t a sufficient reason for a release or a stay of execution; that sometimes there’s a public interest in staying on a course already set, or keeping up the illusion of judicial infallibility, or punishing a crime rather than the perpetrator, or whatever said Justice considers to be more important than being objectively correct. (The “mere factual innocence” quote attributed to Antonin Scalia appears to be not a real quote, but the distilled essence of things he’s said over the course of his legal career.) And it’s not just the Supreme Court; the Marcellus Wallace case seems to be yet another end result of this sort of thinking in the US justice system in general, that he was originally judged a murderer and thus the public needs him to be executed as a murderer deserves, regardless of what future discoveries reveal.
Sadly, this thing is becoming gradually less common in the US not because of changes in society’s attitudes, but because gradual improvements in forensic technology and creeping losses of privacy makes total miscarriages of justice due to evidence-related issues less likely to happen in the first place.
You forgot “cuck”.
@Starlight #207199
Pretty sure that’s not us. IIRC the service still operates on twitter.com with x.com merely being a redirect because single-letter domains are buggy as hell. In fact, long ago, he already had tried to do this to PayPal, but was stopped by the other board members. Alas, his delusions of grandeur have only grown and been enabled since then to the point of being nigh-unstoppable.
“Marcellus Williams was a fucking murderer you gay retarded communist.”
You must be a Christain.
WHen I was Christain, admittedly i was very little, but i really thought no one could be so evil or miserable or criminal that we would not at least love them as a person. At least feel something for their soul, for their life. Maybe lock them up if they’re a threat, but not lift our hand to torture them needlessly or harm them just cuz we could.
As i grew older, though, i came to realize that for all the talk, Christains reserven any empathy, sympathy, or even the concept of basic rights to a narrow portion of humanity, that agrees with them preciselyu and very often needs to look like them.
All the rest can literaly go to hell and it’s no skin off their teeth.
I cannot imagine a god that gives you an upcheck for supporting that disgraceful death, no matter what he was guilty of.
@Bastethotep #207235
Pretty sure that’s not us.
No, actually, that’s us.
We have an admin tool for rewriting URLs for sites that run on multiple domains. We designed it for sites like TheRedPill that constantly had to jump from TLD to TLD, and, of course, had to use it here.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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