various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy

( @UniversalDelirium )
If antisemitism is being treated as a worse offense than corruption, rape, murder, and pedophilia— what does this tell you about who is likely running the show here?

( @TheMadBastard )
@UniversalDelirium ever notice how they'll call people "racist" or "anti-semitic" but they NEVER call them liars...

( @SallyTreaganwarrior )
But gotta hand it to Kanye for taking the slings and arrows, to throw the establishment into uproar and waylay their October surprise shenanigans...

( @DadaVaswani )
@UniversalDelirium I now believe the conspiracy is true after what they did to Kanye. That just convinced me.

( @Dufte )
@UniversalDelirium This is actually a very good thing to put on fliers @HandsomeTruth
"Why is Antisemitism being treated worse than the rape n murder of White people"

( @BrianBoro )
@UniversalDelirium tells you two things:

jews are running it

and they are corrupt, child-raping, murderous shites.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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