( @UniversalDelirium )
If antisemitism is being treated as a worse offense than corruption, rape, murder, and pedophilia— what does this tell you about who is likely running the show here?
( @TheMadBastard )
@UniversalDelirium ever notice how they'll call people "racist" or "anti-semitic" but they NEVER call them liars...
( @SallyTreaganwarrior )
But gotta hand it to Kanye for taking the slings and arrows, to throw the establishment into uproar and waylay their October surprise shenanigans...
( @DadaVaswani )
@UniversalDelirium I now believe the conspiracy is true after what they did to Kanye. That just convinced me.
( @Dufte )
@UniversalDelirium This is actually a very good thing to put on fliers @HandsomeTruth
"Why is Antisemitism being treated worse than the rape n murder of White people"
( @BrianBoro )
@UniversalDelirium tells you two things:
jews are running it
and they are corrupt, child-raping, murderous shites.
“ever notice how they'll call people "racist" or "anti-semitic" but they NEVER call them liars..”
Um, no. Calling someone ‘antisemitic’ is calling them a liar. If someone is prejudiced against (..x..), then their statements about (..x..) are not to be trusted.
If you call someone a “NeverTrumper,” you don’t have to also call them a liar to dismiss any anti-Trump sentiments.
If you call someone “anti-theist,” you dont’ need to also call them a liar to disparage any steatment they make about religion.
If someone’s antisemitic, then anything they say about ‘the Jews’ is something they say because of their ideology, not objective facts.
"Why is Antisemitism being treated worse than the rape n murder of White people"
Why are you…why are you?
<@KeithInc. > #164215
Right, I was going to come and say that if you say someone is antisemitic, racist, sexist, homophobic, etc, you don’t have to say ‘liar’ as well, it’s already covered in the meaning of the first word. It would be redundant.
“If antisemitism is being treated as a worse offense than corruption, rape, murder, and pedophilia—”
Hey, quick question, has any king ever decided to run all the rapists out of the country? Any Chancellor ever rose to power blaming everything on the corrupt, and making everyone suspected of corruption wear a visible dollar/pound/yen sigil as appropriate? Ever have a grandfather show you his tattoos from the pedophile concentration camp?
Just wondering if there might be some historical basis for antisemitism getting people’s attention so readily, you know?
@Sasha #164292
I can’t exactly say they’re using that high quality to make anything better, themselves included. They know full well they too have various flaws each…
Nonetheless, what would the problem with a smugging-proof world be? I doubt inciting and harvesting envy is the only joy they can ever comprehend. Or at least it better not be…
@Skyknight #164295
The problem with a smug-proof world? Ask the Christains who loudly and quickly reject the idea that an omnibenevolent god would forgive everyone. If Hitler, Fauci, and Darwin all go to Heaven, then Heaven isn’t special.
Which means THEY are not special for winning Salvation.
If they’re not closer to God than the Hindus, the Atheists, the Evolutionists, and the Democrats, then there’s absolutely no point in religion.
@Skyknight #164295
They may know somewhere deep down that they have flaws, but they project those flaws away and the ones they can’t project away they blame on others. I’ve seen their logic many times: “It’s not us whites that are lazy, it’s the Mexicans! And the reason we can’t get jobs is because the Jews have given those jobs to lazy Mexicans! And obviously someone would only give jobs to inferior Mexicans rather than superior whites is because Jews control everything and are trying to destroy whites!” Which we can see is circular logic, but they are too busy making excuses for themselves and may also not be smart enough to see.
@Skyknight #164295
As for
If that were the case, then shouldn’t Whites find a way to instill everyone else with the same blessings they have? Hierarchy is not its own purpose, after all.
The point of the hierarchy is that they (the whites) get to feel and show that they’re superior by being white. It’s to make them feel good about themselves because they’ve got no other ways to do it. And they’re not going to give the blessings to anyone else, they believe they were rewarded with those blessings for being white. Others don’t deserve those blessings. The blessings are the medals the whites get to use to show off their superiority.
@Yutolia #164326
So the blessings aren’t the substance if the putative superiority…?
The tacit fatalism was bad enough, but…Talk about deeming Evil good and Good evil. I know I effectively use naïveté to protect my sanity…
@Skyknight #164330
Status itself is the substance of superiority. As long as whites' status places them higher than other sorts of people, white supremacists will be satisfied.
Benefits are all well and good, but if everyone gets the same benefits, what's the point?
@Skyknight #164330
No, they aren’t. These people seem to think the blessings of being white are theirs to show off and/or flaunt, not to use for the benefit of anyone. It’s like @KeithInc said. They might (very likely unconsciously) ask what’s the point of getting blessings for being white if those lower others get to benefit in anyway from those blessings?
Remember, many of them are less mature than high schoolers and they want to be the in-crowd. It’s not about being a good person, it’s about being better.
@Yutolia #164363
(Sasha, not KeithInc.)
I’ll admit I don’t even see specialness/status as a legitimate goal in itself. In fact I worry if it’s prized here as proof that if/when triage of some sort becomes necessary, they’ll be auto-selected, leaving some luckless Other to be taken by the Devil through no fault of that Other’s own.
(…Get lost, Funny Valentine.)
Still, of course I’d want my blessings replicated in others—that would cut the net suffering of the world! Even the most wicked ought not suffer (what does suffering even do besides needlessly fuel sadism?), “just” be sealed away from potential victims somehow. Do they want Kindness itself to be utterly effaced from the cosmos?! Better to efface Cruelty. The succoring side of Justice out-prioritizes the smiting side in general, anyway, although I suppose they think Justice is naught but smiting.
@Sasha #164411
Apatheist, mind (i.e. whether God exists is utterly irrelevant to what Good and Evil entail, these existing independently of the divine). Still, I’ll take Real Blue Heaven or Real Silver Heaven instead. Probably have actual biomes in there.
(The Devil mention was my referencing the phrase “the Devil take the hindmost”. Sorry for the lack of clarity.)
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