Peer review, as hundreds of studies have now shown means friend reviewed. Major journals get pranked all the time which junk science, some of which nobody spots until the authors out themselves. Women can’t get published in A-list journals because of misogyny. Nor can most minorities because of systemic racism. So “well peer reviewed” is just a code for “white Eurocentirc colonial male privileged science”.
You didn’t even address the problem with lack of replication which is getting worse and worse as fewer and fewer experiments are actually replicated. Nor did you talk about the literally more than 1,000 papers each year that are being retracted or the thousands more that are in serious doubt. And the p-hacking where among other tricks you just drop a few data points to “clear up” your data. That is everywhere. Then there are the huge number of well peer reviewed papers with statistical analysis that doesn’t have confidence intervals. Serious studies have shown that means half of those papers are wrong. But we don’t which half.
I could go on an on. My point being putting your faith blindly in science is still an act of faith. Exactly comparable to trusting centuries of biblical scholarship. And like religion it comes with all the same human flaws that contaminate all calls/claims of “truth”. But you can’t see that because it is difficult to see outside your own paradigm.
So if you acknowledge some facts in quantum mechanics aren’t facts how do we know which ones are and aren’t? Given these authors are arguing observation makes the fact.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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