Police in south India have arrested a couple after the woman allegedly threw their deaf and nonverbal 6-year-old son into a crocodile infested canal, leading to the child's death.
The incident happened in the Dandeli rural area of Karnataka state on Saturday, according to police, who told CBS News that Savitri, 26, who uses only one name, threw her son into a local canal after an argument with her husband.
"We found the child's body from the canal on Sunday morning," Karnataka Police sub-inspector Krishna Arakeri, who is investigating the case, told CBS News. "There were several injury marks on the child's body and one hand was missing, which seems to have been eaten by a crocodile."
During preliminary questioning, Savitri told police that her husband, Ravi Kumar, 27, would often blame her for their son's disabilities and urge her to throw him into the river, Arakeri said.
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