Elvis Dunderhoff #homophobia dailystormer.name

[From "BRICS Countries to Meet in South Africa to Plan Heterosexual World Order"]

There is a new world rising

A world where penises will be inserted exclusively into vaginas, and no other holes


BRICS leaders meet in South Africa next week to discuss how to turn a loose club of nations accounting for a quarter of the global economy into a geopolitical force that can challenge the West’s dominance in world affairs[…]

It’s not really a joke that this is all about anal sex

It really, actually, is all about anal sex

Which is not actually “sex,” by the way. Just so you understand

The Americans want to force their value system on other people. That is their prime agenda. Most countries just want to make money, and don’t care about forcing people to do thing against their will



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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