C.T. #racist westsdarkesthour.com

[From “Dugin & Pepe”]

Watching this interview comes to my mind: How was it possible to enter now into this geopolitical reality: Russia’s new alliance with the new powers of gooks and sand niggers? The sad answer is: because the Anglo-Americans sinned in such astronomical proportions not only in WW2 but in subsequent decades (continuing to defame Hitler and his murdered Reich), that now power is being transferred to non-Aryans!

Imagine the scenario that should have happened: Stalin would have been defeated by Hitler, the Master Plan East would now have eight decades of implementation, and the dragon China would never have been born![…]
In that parallel world, the generous German Reich would allow the US an Aryan empire with a Master Plan South (Latin America), as long as it didn’t conflict with the Eurasian Reich

Indeed, when the last whites are left on Earth before their total extinction, it will be time for great humility[…]
Incidentally, with a well-implemented Master Plan East, there would have been surviving Russians, as long as they resembled Dugin[…]That was clearly in Himmler’s selection plans, as we see in the picture on the left where he was looking at a Polish boy to see if he would be chosen to be raised as a pure Aryan

One thing Dugin said is very true: unlike Asia, the Muslim world and even North Korea, Europe is completely out of the story[…]Germany for example doesn’t have a single notable intellectual. Pepe and Dugin mentioned a handful of intellectuals in the rest of Europe[…]but no more than five

All this is a result not only of WW2 but of how Europeans internalised the Anglo-American anti-Nazi narrative[…]As Dugin and Pepe argue, there is even more anti-American rebelliousness in countries like Cuba and Venezuela, despite being populated by Untermenschen I would add, than in Europe. Precisely for this reason my site alludes to the darkest hour of the West…



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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