Kyle Hunt #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #fundie

Let’s think about the “colors” white and black and see if this can help illuminate some of the occult aspects of the White genocide agenda.
In our world, everything even related to “whiteness” is considered inherently evil. Whiteness needs to dismantled, uprooted, deconstructed, and destroyed. Some of the promoters of anti-White racism claim they are not exactly calling for White genocide, but just destroying the identity of White people or some other such mental gymnastics, but many others are more open about their intentions of sweeping White people into the dustbin of history.
jews are at the forefront of the White genocide agenda. They feed us hatred of “whiteness” through the black “box” (TV) in the living rooms of the masses. However, given their small percentage of the population, they need dark allies to fulfill their wish to see a world without Whiteness. This is why they send Africans and Arabs into the ancestral homelands of the Europeans. Many of these invaders are also worshipers of the semitic black cube.

While the jews somewhat openly worship Saturn (on his day of Saturday) and the Muslims make it clear they are a cult of darkness, with the moon being their symbol, Christians are tricked into worshiping the darkness. They think Jesus is the “light” as a halo surrounds his head, and all the heads of the saints. This is because Christianity was forced upon people who were used to worshiping solar deities, whether they be gods or goddesses, and rabbi Yeshua was hoisted into the place of old deities.

The White people of this world, the Aryan race, are children of the sun.
As far as real light and darkness go, we really do need both for life to flourish. It is this balance that the forces consumed by blackness are upsetting. They are not only trying to extinguish the light of the White world, but they are literally blocking out the light of the sun, with various geoengineering programs already being tested and put into place.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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