Obama on Biden, today: "Ice cream is big. Pasta with red sauce, he can go deep on that"
Minute 2:35
We all know what ice cream and pasta and red sauce mean in their code language. This was a direct message.
Code...? What code? Why do they need a code?
I'm told tgey still own people in the NSA, so they could speak freely over the phone.
Ah, do tell. When we have people speaking in well documented not-even-secret code about how they are literally Nazis, republicans are all "oh just a coincidence"...
But now when a democrat makes a jab about the republican "tan suit" attacks on Pelosi's ice cream collection - as if an aging woman with a long career is not allowed to have pride over some nice thing she has acquired - referencing some new inconsequential thing (pasta with red sauce [how dare!] /s) suddenly IS code there.
Like, how hard is it to see that he is making a reference and jab about "tan suit" attacks? I mean seriously, he's the guy who wore the tan suit.
@Bastethotep #56394
He is absolutely trolling. It's a reference, made by Mr. Tan Suit himself, of the Tan Suit attack on Pelosi. He is suggesting a Tan Suit attack be waged over "Pasta With Red Sauce". I am unsure from the context whether he is suggesting republicans make idiots of themselves over a new idiotic inconsequentialism WRT Biden, though, or whether he is suggesting Biden pull out his own inconsequentialism; I suspect the former.
It is clear to me that at this point, a Tan Suit would be a feather in Biden's cap, as it would indicate floundering and grasping at straws and jumping sharks.
their code language
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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