Henry Makow PhD #racist #wingnut #conspiracy #magick henrymakow.com
I noted that the Soviets razed thousands of churches but spared synagogues.
If Communists considered religion "the opium of the masses," why didn't they include Judaism?
Do Christians and Jews worship the same God? Is there an affinity between Communism and Judaism? Perhaps the Jewish elite has a different God.
According to Wikipedia, "egregore" is an occult concept representing a "thought form" or "collective group mind", an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people. The symbiotic relationship between an egregore and its group has been compared to the more recent, non-occult concepts of the corporation (as a legal entity) and the meme."
George speculates that elite Jews created the Jewish God as their "egregore," i.e. an instrument of their collective will, i.e. their desire to vanquish the heathens and rule supreme.
This "egregore" is Lucifer, and elite Jews have made him the master meme of the New World Order. The elite Jews are the "Communist Capitalist International", the intermarried German Jewish banking families who, according to Christian Rakovsky include the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs and many others.
They have also intermarried with the corrupt gentile elites of Europe and America, many of whom think they are Jews.
Since the Jewish egregore is also behind the New World Order, only the "believers" are human; everyone else is an animal to be exploited and/or slaughtered.
The greatest mass slaughter in history was not the Jewish holocaust but the Ukrainian Holodomor. By Stalin's own estimate, ten million Ukrainians died, mostly at the hands of Bolshevik Jews.
Lysson's account suggests that this was the result of a centuries-long feud in which Jews failed to accept their common humanity with non-Jews. This continues as the murderous record of the 20th century is overshadowed by Jewish losses, as if only Jews were human.