Anonymous/The Serapheum #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

The Chosen Tribe of God, the Hebrew family of Jacob (Known as Israel afterwards) were all Caucasian, white people. The “Jews” who say they are Jews but are not, and do lie – are actually the synagogue of Satan – the Edomites (Through Jacob’s brother, Esau – A murderous Barbarian) mixed with the Demonic Nephilim remnants of the giants. Hebrews are Caucasian. Today they are known as Christians. Gentiles are non-believing Hebrews.
The word ‘Jew’ replaced the words, Judah, Judahite, and Judaean.

If you examine the full study ‘Jew OR Judah?’ you will see a bad case of identity theft.

Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. Judah is the territory of Judah. Israelites of the house of Judah are called Judahites. A Judaean is a citizen of Judaea.

This is extremely confusing for the unlearned ‘church’ goer.

In the Old Testament, the incorrect word ‘Jew’ NEVER identifies a Jew. It always identifies an Israelite of the tribe or house of Judah. Jews are not Israelites, they are Edomites.

In the New Testament, you must understand the context to understand who is Judah and who is Jew. Since the land of Judah and the land of Idumea were merged into the land then called Judaea in the first century BC, a Judaean could then be an Israelite of the house of Judah, or an Edomite Jew of the house of Esau from Idumea.

This word ‘Jew’ is not a mistake, it is a deliberate tampering of scripture. The result is that the world and the ‘churches’ believe the Jews are Israelites, which they are not.

The Hebrew word for Judah, which is Yahudah, was replaced in the 18th century with the word ‘Jew’. This happened as a result of over 14 centuries with the variations of the Latin word ioudaeus.

The word ‘Jew’ destroys the true understanding of scripture, and is part of the deception that the Jews continue to propagate that they are the Israelites of the Bible.




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