BITG #sexist #crackpot
[Blackpill] Men are the more attractive sex over all.
So, blue pilled simpciety will have you believe that women are the more attractive sex, but this is in fact not the case. I’ll be going over a few reasons why men are indeed the more attractive sex over all, and also some misconceptions.
2. The difference in threshold of attractiveness between the sexes. So, most Norman’s believe that women are the more attractive sex simply because we as men are willing to fuck most women, but what they don’t get is that as men, we have a much lower threshold for what we find attractive.
3. Women didn’t need to evolve any special traits to attract a mate as them reproducing was a given. This is also seen in other male species where it’s pretty evident the males are the more attractive sex. Human males also evolved with dimorphic traits, such as jaw line, hunter eyes, big brow ridge, high cheekbones etc. women for the most part did not.
4. There is NO example of a female equivalent of chad, WITHOUT FAKEUP! Men being more attractive over all is especially noticeable when we get to the top tiers of each sex. You cannot find me one female without make up, that is equivalent to chad, they are ALL average looking at best, I would even argue half of them are subhuman without fake up.
I rest my case.