Kevin Downey Jr. #dunning-kruger #pratt

For starters, the suggestions in Project 2025 are not nearly as dangerous as BLM's intent to defund the police, which has happened with deadly effect nationwide, leading to an explosion in crime that has mostly affected black communities. Despite the carnage, BLM still calls for defunding the police, because that is what Marxists do.

And honestly, I can't assure you Project 2025 wasn't written in part by never-Trumpers looking to make trouble before November.

As expected, Democrat fear-peddlers are treating Project 2025 like it's the Republicans' "Mein Kampf."

Social media is bursting with memes spewing fake details from Project 2025 and the left is screeching in their Crocs.

Here's the fun part: Trump has already denounced it, but that doesn't stop the namby-pamby Chicken-Little types from trying to terrify low-info barely-thinkers into panic mode.
Whereas I do not agree with everything posted, most of it is spot on.

The document largely calls for Trump to—if he wins—"de-woke" our government. It's pro-family and pro-life. It states that the "next HHS secretary should immediately put an end to the department’s foray into woke transgender activism" (page 284).

I'm cool with that.

It does not suggest:

Making birth control illegal
Putting illegal immigrants in "concentration camps"
Ending overtime pay
Ending school lunch programs
Cutting veterans' benefits
Project 2025 is nothing more than 922 pages of opinions and recommendations, many of which make sense.

If you want to do battle with factless chuckleheads on Facebook—which is pointless, they never learn—you can read Project 2025 below.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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