I used to think there would be a point at which whites would unite and push back hard. We know that when, not if but when Biden picks one of these black women as his Veep running mate all criticism of her, of anything she says, will be loudly denounced as racist. Which is to say no criticism of her will be allowed. It will be the end of debate in the Republic. Will that be enough? Will that be the breaking point for whites? I'd like to say yes, I'm pretty sure the answer is no. I guess the answer is that demoralization finally takes.
how is it racism when you criticize a non human? the sooner we dehumanize non humans the easier it will be to destroy the ni---rs credibility. That is the secret to bringing anything down
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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