This doesn't surprise me. The only thing vaccines do is weaken your immune system and most of our health problems and illnesses today comes from side effects of vaccines, things like autism and AIDS for example. The covid vaccine was even worse than the standard ones and didn't really need to exist because covid itself was just a mild flu with treatments available from the start like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. You're actually safer by being unvaccinated and having a healthy immune system.
[The people infected caught the new strains of Covid, the ones that you don't have a vax for:
"At that point the summer wave, driven by new variants BA.4 and BA.5 as well as public behaviour and increased mixing, led to the number of patients with Covid rising to 508."]
“The only thing vaccines do is weaken your immune system and most of our health problems and illnesses today comes from side effects of vaccines, things like autism and AIDS for example.”
yeah, it’s not like child mortality dropped significantly as vaccines came out. it’s pure coincidence that polio is only found in places where they don’t vaccinate. sure, you’re better off wthout thestuff.
…Autism is NOT a “health problem” or an “illness”, you stupid asshole!! And I’d rather be autistic (which I am) than crippled from a terrible disease I could have been vaccinated from.
Seriously, why would you assholes be rather dead than autistic!? Are you really that stupid, stubborn, and/or bigoted!? Are we autists really worth less than human in your eyes?
And this is all ignoring the fact that vaccinations do NOT cause autism!!!!!
was just a mild flu
Tell that to my aunt and uncle who literally died of COVID before there were vaccines.
with treatments available from the start like Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine
You horse-paste-eating ratlickers also caused a shortage of hydroxychloroquine, which does jack shit for COVID, but which people like myself take for lupus.
@Timjer #133442
Something I realized watching able-bodied students do sensory deprivation tests…
When they do the tests for blindness, they freak out because they’re not used to not being able to see and of course they can’t get around without falling or hurting themselves or scaring themselves some way. They think this is what it’s like for people that are blind. They don’t realize that someone who is born blind is used to it and has developed other senses to help them get around. It’s the same with deaf people or autists or people with sensory processing disorder. They also don’t take into account that a huge part of the reason disabilities are challenging is how we’re treated by others.
covid itself was just a mild flu with treatments available from the start like Ivermectin
@shy just inspired this response from yours truly, DesertFucked:
Hugh Laurie: 'It's not Lupus, it's...
(*Puts on horse mask *)
...Equus ! You're certainly a horse's ass if you think an animal dewormer can treat anything that's 'just a mild flu'. '
You're quite the little parasite yourself, OP...!
@Yutolia #133448
Good point. Still, the irony IMO is that, considering autistic people tend to have more sensitive senses than neurotypical people (I for one have very good hearing, if I say so myself(*)), to me neurotypical people can seem like the more sensory deprived and disabled ones.
(*)Both a blessing and a curse, as my hearing gives me the easiest sensory overload of all my senses.
How serendipitous, then, that the polio outbreak in Trinidad in 1972 stopped when vaccines were administered to the population.
I mention this because I was there and I got a good look at what happens when people lack vaccination against a communicable disease. Even Carnival was postponed, it was that serious.
I am seething with indignation at these malignant anti-vaxxers and their constant lies.
@Yutolia #133487
I also have synesthesia and my brain processes sounds so I can also see them as colors.
Wow, that sounds wild.
Training the immune system to respond to a molecule so that it can attack the pathogen has nothing to do with weakening the immune system. Unless you are suffering from a condition that suppresses it, or need to use immunosuppressant medication, exposition to non-lethal triggers is considered to keep the immune system healthy. Vaccination is only used because it provides such a non-lethal trigger that is much less dangerous than an actual infection.
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