(((AfD))) Boss Weidel defends Jews in Musk interview and calls Hitler a 'communist'
Weidel reveals herself as a defender of Israel and spreads falsehoods about Hitler. Another proof that the (((AfD))) is not a genuine nationalist alternative for Germany.
FailureOfUnReality whines about (((jooooooooooosssssssss))) existing, and also says that the AFD is somehowingly controlled by them…what? Also, what does this have to do with incels in any way, shape, or form?
@TatersForever5481 #216033
Likely it’s the whole white genocide bullshit thing: “Jews are conducting a secret mass genocide by making women not have to sleep with anyone they don’t want to and because of that I’m an incel!!” FailureOfUnreality, probably.
@TatersForever5481 #216033
Also, what does this have to do with incels in any way, shape, or form?
Technically, it is in “Offtopic->Politics, Philosophy and Religion”. But incels are generally incredibly right-wing, authoritarian and bigoted in general - and while it may seem bizarre that men who self-identify as ugly, weak, often “ethnic” and even as “genetic trash” and “subhuman” would admire the Nazis of all people, many of them are so self-loathing that they whine that they would have preferred if eugenics and anti-miscegenation laws had prevented their birth. And finally, it gives them an opportunity to bash women, and a far-right woman at that - thereby affirming their belief that, no, there are no ripe grapes, they are ALL sour.
At this point, I am almost happy about the kind of stupid infighting on the right between the people who clearly hide their fascist policies behind “moderate” optics, like “I am hypocrisy incarnate” Weidel and “I cheat at video games, I am that much of a genius” Musk and totally deluded far-right assholes and incels like OP.
It is really darkly funny that the usual appeal to centrists (Hitler was leftist you guys, the right is never wrong or at fault for anything) makes the more deluded right-wingers so mad. They all deserve each other. Hope that kind of infighting will get worse over time.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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