Snake Baker #sexist #conspiracy

[From "Australia: Biggest State in Country to Adopt Orwellian “Consent” Laws"]

“Affirmative consent” is one you’re going to want to watch out for. Feminists have been pushing for this forever

But at this point, everyone has already stopped having sex anyway, haven’t they?

Australian feminist Rachael Burgin, writing for the leftist site The Conversation, is very excited about this new way to empower women by removing responsibility from them:

New South Wales Attorney-General Mark Speakman has [i][…][/i][url=Echobox=1621920779-1]announced a suite of reforms to consent law, following a two-and-a-half year review by the Law Reform Commission
Affirmative consent means that consent is actively sought and actively communicated

Consent Theory means that you have to ask a woman if she wants to have sex. As that obviously isn’t going to happen in real life, as it would be a total vibe killer, any woman will be able to say that any sex was rape
The larger goal of the system is just to remove sex from human existence. They want men to be afraid of sex. Obviously, this is working – most men no longer even think about sex. Firstly, most women are so fat they’re out of the game. Secondly, if you find one that isn’t fat, you’re playing Russian Roulette



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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