dobby , OwnLyingEyes & glimmer #interphobia #transphobia

JKR faces legal repercussions for attacking a cis woman[sic] but not trans people? Double standards much??

( dobby )
“cis woman”?

Isn’t Khalif a biological male? They may not be a trans-identifying male, but but biologically they are male.

That seems relevant in the matter of fairness in women’s sports no matter how much people want to ignore this athlete’s biology.

Also, this twitter person sounds unhinged.

( OwnLyingEyes )
Yes, he's a biological male, however he was (probably) mistaken for female at birth, which allows them to call him a 'cis' woman since that would have been his 'assigned gender at birth.' Yet another reason to not use their stupid term. Only women are women, women are female, and so as Khalif isn't female he's not any kind of woman.

( glimmer )
And since "cis" is a completely made up term anyway. He may be "cis" but there is no doubt every cell in his body is XY male. And I think there's LITTLE doubt he identifies as a male as well in private.

This is why I'm not "cis" "trans" or anything else but a WOMAN on the basis of being biologically female.



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