Sam Wilson, the Falcon, has replaced Steve Rogers as Captain America. This one is not as egregious as the others, and, if taken in isolation, might have seemed legitimate, not an attempt at blot out. But Sam Wilson now has the same problem any black student in an affirmative action college has, when people can no longer tell is his diploma was earned or merely granted.
the same problem any rich student in a legacy admission college has, when people can no longer tell if his diploma was earned or merely granted.
You guys are always complaining about ‘Woke’ changes to the original characters in the comics.
IN THE COMICS, at least three black men have worn the Captain America costume. One of them was Sam Wilson.
“and, if taken in isolation, might have seemed legitimate,”
It’s actually CANON you fucking poser!
Continue pretending you give a flying fuck about comic book characters and you’ll just radicalize actual fans even further.
In the comics the mantle of several super-heroes, like Flash and Green Lantern, has been held by multiple people, yet I never see these idiots mention that... I wonder why...
“Avengers: Endgame” broke the billion in just five days . What you think is ‘Woke’ is here to stay.
Now go back to sleep, John C. Wrong .
A translation from John C. Wright into English:
“Of course THAT'S how Affirmative Action works! They just pull in the first black face they see off the street and slap a diploma and/or cushy, high-paying job into his hand! No, it isn't a bulwark against racial discrimination, that stuff's illegal, and nobody would ever break the law just to fit in their biases and bigotries! No black person could ever be qualified for a WHITE job, that's just silly! It's all DEI! What's next, a half-Latino half-Irish Spider-Man? A mosaic of Green Lanterns? A black man wearing the Iron Man armour? A RED Hulk?? When do they people I hate stop intruding on my childhood pretend time!!”
What would anyone like JCW say about a…
…Star Wars/Star Trek crossover?
…series about a new She-Hulk, where it’s a non-white police woman who gets Hulk mutated and because she’s not white, her Hulk creature is blue?
…The Fallout-style movie about a pair of survivors of a shooting at a lesbian bar?
…The Terminator remake where Sarah Connor is a black woman with albinism while Kyle Reese is half white, half Asian?
<@C.A.Collins > #213494
Or the same folk who are complaining that The Witcher 4 “suddenly went woke” because the first trailer shows Ciri as the main character. Despite the fact that in the OG novels, Ciri is arguably equally as important as Geralt is as a main character, and The Witcher 3 Blood and Wine DLC outright ended with Geralt retiring from his monster hunting life…
My point being it’s nothing new and they clearly weren’t fans of the franchise to begin with. But haters gonna hate, I guess.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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