When you see old videos from Hitler era Germany, the people look so incredibly unified, happy & healthy. Well dressed. Children everywhere.
In contrast to modern Germany or USA where everyone is stressed to the max, impoverished, sick, and devoid of any unity in race or nation. Most White aren't having kids, and when they do the kids have mental illness or get brainwashed into being queers or race mixers.
That’s because the only videos you have seen are the VERY selective vistas of a totalitarian regime’s propaganda, that you fell for hook, line, sinker and fishing rod.
By the way, I hear North Korea is lovely this time of the year!
“…the people look so incredibly unified, happy & healthy. Well dressed. Children everywhere.”
Um, Hitler-era Germany includes the period where the cities were bombed-out rubble, people were brushing their teeth with mud, and everyone was just praying that the Americans got there before the Russians did.
"where everyone is stressed to the max,”
Just, not by war. Our cities aren’t being carpet-bombed. Our nightly news doesn’t describe the three-five fronts where the tanks are advancing towards the capital.
“devoid of any unity in race or nation.”
Later: “get brainwashed into being… race mixers.”
That’s funny. You want race unity, but you’re against race mixing. Which means you’ll only have UNITY with other racists. G’wan and fuck yourself off, then.
Yeah, it's called nazi propaganda and it was designed to mislead and manipulate. It had some success at the time and has served to inspire more of it, even in sci-fi like Star Wars. Then the last part of the post is just irrational hate and fear mongering. That too is manipulative.
Will also repost this as it's very relevant: https://www.thenation.com/article/society/transphobia-white-supremacy/
In encouraging people to buy War Bonds, those in the Allied countries governed by such invested in their ultimate victory. The Kraft Durch Freude-wagen: via a savings stamp scheme. Those of the Reich who bought into that looked happy.
Now show us just one person in the latter country who happily received their KdF car.
It’s not just people of the democratic Germany post-WWII who were happy to actually buy a Volkswagen Beetle: and not stressed to beyond the max when they realised they’d been ripped off by those they’d previously put more than just their faith into.
‘Faith’: sounds just like FAIL. The rest is history.
Volkswagen now make the fastest cars on the planet since they made Bugatti Veyrons: since that FAILed Turd Reich.
You do the maths.
Yes, they were good at making propaganda videos. Don’t tell me you believe the hype there? DUMMKOPF!
And you are being a bit harsh on the people of the modern world, maybe because you’re such a Nazi loving bigot.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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