Donald J Trump & various commenters #wingnut

( Donald J Trump )
We really are living in a Communist Country. We've skipped over Socialism as if it doesn't exist. We've headed straight to the Big "C", and that's really bad. Get smart Republicans!

( @IvanJackoff )
@realdonaldtrump Nigga, you surrounded yourself with Jew Communists.

( @AlanJr )
@realdonaldtrump hey dipshit. I’m sure your emergency declaration and medical tyranny had absolutely nothing to do with it?… Fuck you!

( @FreedRocc1 )
@realdonaldtrump I wonder if we could ever have a President that will arrest all the communists, instead of a moron that cries on Twitter while the communists steal the country right in front of his stupid face.

( @TrumpaBumpa )
@FreedRocc1 @realdonaldtrump Everyone here is just champing at the bit to line up and vote for that same ineffective loser all over again.

Not me. Never voting for Trump again, and I don't care what the choices are. He personally convinced millions to take a poison vaxx; what more do you need to condemn him?

( @FreedRocc1 )
@TrumpaBumpa I'm not brainwashed either way. So when Trump mentioned about injecting bleach for COVID, months before the vaccines came out, I understood that was the hint to not take any vaccines so I didn't. I don't blame Trump for the mental retardation of anyone that took the vaccines.

( @FreedRocc1 )
@TrumpaBumpa Yes. The communists wanted to cull the population, they manipulated the moron Trump with fear he's only human, and the brainwashed retards of the world gave the communist really good numbers for their statistics books. Stop being an idiot.

( @YupYup1562 )
Republicans? Bwahahaha. There aren’t two parties. It’s the Uniparty. But Trump already knows that.

( @No_facts_just_gut )
@realdonaldtrump Zionism is Communism. You are a Zionist.

( @optimum )
@realdonaldtrump faggot.

-larp as a republican swamp drainer
-fake a pandemic
-collapse economy
-increase spending
-administer jew jabs
-rally j6 patsies
-ensure biden (plant) victory
-gaslight normies with cia q propaganda
-endorse miga swamp politicians
-make ignorant voters beg for your return
-muh communism because biden, fauci, et al.



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