:Fakeup or war paint, more commonly known by the euphemism makeup,”
Because ‘fakeup’ isn’t a euphemism.
“is the main looksmaxxing strategy used by sexual gatekeepers to date above their looksmatch. Sluts use makeup”
I note you tend to use the actual term, not your made-up attempt to insult the practice. Even in your definition of the stupid term, you keep using ‘the euphemism.’ That’s a linguistic failure, bubbles.
“.. to outcompete other women in getting the attention of Chad, basically by accentuating their neoteny and smoothness.”
Wait, wait, if women are the gatekeepers for sex, why do they try to attract Chad?
That makes CHAD the gatekeeper of sex, the one who chooses who gets dicked down.
I gotta tell you, any time i was a gatekeeper for anything, i didn’t have to advertise the fact. And i wasn’t in competition with any other gatekeepers.
This is just a horrid mash of envy and fantasy.
And ultimately, you probably feel guilty for looking at a woman and not being absolutely sure if her eyelids were purple…
“Traditionally, makeup”
“had mainly been used as an identifier during war”
I would agree that SOME of the uses of makeup is in war, but some of that was not for ident, but an attempt to terrify the other guy. And some was just people wearing makeup to look good. SO i question ‘mainly.’
"and was associated with raping and pillaging villages for resources and women.”
I think you just want to rape someone.
I mean, there are whole courses on how makeup was used through the ages of theatre to indicate villains and heroes, can’t imagine sitting in The Globe, seeing a heavily made-up Juliet and thinking, “Oh, look, a maurader.”
"Today, femoids engage in mass psychological warfare against peaceful nice guys”
If you see dating and romance as a zero-sum game, yes, you’ll find it to be warefare. And you’re not all that nice.
“to drain them of their resources, without giving sex in return.”
Funny. Sometimes i’ve spent time with people i did not even hope to fuck, and had a good time. Your constant search for the magic key to getting the pussy is your undoing.
“Women's sexual strategy is more passive/coy and consists in attracting men by conspicuous advertisement,”
Conspicuous advertisement is not coy. Do you know that words have meanings?
Attracting men is not passive.
Living your own life and allowing men to notice you while you enjoy yourself reading, cooking, kickboxing, or whatever, that would be passive.
“whereas men's strategy is to actively seek out and compete for women.”
Just up there, you said that women are competing for Chad.
Pick at goddamned fantasy and take it to term.
"For this reason, women compete by aesthetics and use makeup.”
And again, HA!
“This is amplified by the cosmetic industry selling and advertising a vast range of products designed for this purpose.”
Well, they’re in business. They chose to make this and make money, so they try to convince people they need the product. Same as any other product on the market.
“Men who use makeup”
You have no shame, and no commitment to the lie.
“are easily regarded as gay or trans”
OR actors. Or politicians. Or special forces. Models. Megachurch pastors. Carnival workers. Clowns. There’s a LOT of product out there. But you care about gays and trans and pigeonholes.
"because attracting a partner by looks is a more feminine activity, even though looks matter for both sexes.”
Just completely ignoring your own (incorrect) point about the history of cosmetics.
"Men might also become envious of men evading their way of competing for women by aesthetics, especially in highly utilitarian modern societies, where men rather invest in competence than beautifying themselves.”
Absolute bullshit.
You JUST SAID that men using makeup are seen as gay, so straight men would not be jealous, nu? I mean, if all the competition is gay, you become the gatekeeper.
GOD BLESS, please, write this shit out, then walk away from it for a day, then read it and see if you can catch the incredibly glaring inconsistencies.
Besides, if a man hears ANYTHING that improves his chances of getting laid, he’s not envious, but curious. It may be more work than he’s willing to put into it, and he’ll insist his way is better, but jsut about everything men do to attract women, someone, somewhere, says they tried it and scored.
Fast cars, long hair, short hair, cologne, military uniforms, horses, lobster… We’re helpless against rumor. And if we score, we become almost superstitious, as we don’t know if it was the car, or the scent, or the Crabfest, or the dancing that ‘did it.’ So we stick to the pattern in desperate hope.