Re: Ever noticed how waitresses all refer to their easy 6 hour plate carrying shifts as "busting my ass"? For the size of the tips they want I'd like to bust their ass with my peepee
For this very reason, I always go to the washroom and shove each of my fingers on my right hand in my asshole, and then piss on them. Then, I make sure at the end of the meal I shake the waitresses hand.
I can see you're experienced at food service. It's usually more than six hours and it's more than plate carrying. But, hey, you're the one with shit and piss all over your hand at the end of a meal... You've demonstrated your superiority.
Says the little manbaby that has never done a hard day's work in his life.
...and said waitress is so strong in carrying several plates at once she'll be able to break it off: and not just your so-called 'relationship' with her.
All two seconds of it.
As well as all two centimetres of it. [/Lorena Bobbitt]
...but in Soviet Diner, she leaves you the tip. >:D
What a disgusting little creep. I guess he usually has quite a bit of saliva in his drinks...
There is nothing easy about that shift, asshole! You try running to-and-fro for six hours, carrying heavy and hot plates, faking a smile on your face all the time, having hands touching your breasts, thighs and ass now and then, day after day after day. Then going home, picking up your child/ren on the way, and carry on working at home; cooking and cleaning, washing and feeding spouse and children. Or doing all the work at home first, THEN go to a late shift, being pawed by increasingly drunk creeps for six hours…
As I understand it, US waitresses want the size tip that will fill their hourly intake up to $7,25. If minimum wage had kept up with average prices increases since the 50s, it would now be around $30 an hour, I've heard and read in several places. For example:
This dumb shit has never done a single second's work in his life. I waited tables for several years in college, and I can tell you from a totally non-female perspective that it's a killing job.
This guy probably spends a lot of time with his fingers up his asshole, since it's the closest thing to sex he'll ever know.
Normally I would regard such a comment as horribly exaggerated, but over the years I’ve know waitresses who have told me scary stories about overly obnoxious guests. The man who loudly insulted and berated a young girl because - on her first day!- she wasn’t aware of his “regular” order and had the audacity to ask him what he would like to drink. Or the man who gave a waitress a horrible rating because she was his “normal” waitress and had had the nerve to have her day off the last time he was there. Or the touchy-feely or lewd comments I’ve witnessed myself. Or just general rudeness which I would be totally ashamed of. Really, a table of half drunk stupid business type men commenting on a waitress’s breasts - to her face - and repeatedly telling her to “sit on my lap” or “bend over farther so we get a look”, then all laughing very loudly and slapping her on the butt. I’ve seen it. Fucking assholes.
Just go to any restaurant’s page on Facebook or a travel site and read the comments. You get a feel for what real assholes there are running around. Giving a retaurant you’ve been visiting for years a one star, thumbs down rating because one, just one french fry was a little burned? Or cussing out the manager because the people at the next table “were taking the Lord’s name in vain” (yes, that’s a real one)?
Jesus Fucking Christ on a bicycle! Get a life.
That’s nice, you entitled little maggot. Have you ever done an honest days work? Rhetorical question, we know the answer.
So…all I can say is, some animals are far better housetrained, than some people
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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