Robert David Steele #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot

7 January 2021

It is not over. The mob was Antifa and it was an inside job with DC and Capitol Police complicity.

Pence and every Member of Congress complicit in the proven election fraud sedition is now eligible for arrest, Tribunal, and execution by firing squad.

POTUS has not conceded.

I have reached out to my contacts and will update this later today. See new videos and links below for today’s updates.

This is the third rolling update on Trump Triumph restoring the Constitution and the Republic.
PBI: Our sources tell us there were two Antifa action teams disguised as Trump supporters that caused the violence; and that this was anticipated and Special Operations elements integrated such that we captured seven specific laptops including Nancy Pelosi’s laptop. The USA is in a state of war with NATO countries joining the Deep State to steal the election. This will not stand.
- While DC was distracting everyone, raids in seven cities took place.
- Antifa false flag sealed the deal with military on Insurrection Act
- ItalyGate / Vatican completed the map, Italy now on the rack
- We are in the ten days of darkness — trust the plan.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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