Makedon-Slav83939 & Shpatari #conspiracy #psycho #racist #wingnut

RE: Bullet injured a 20 year old boy in Macedonia. Guess who did this?

they are backed by the US/EU...

unless you want your country to become a radioactive wasteland like Serbia when they tried to deal with the problem in 1999, they are untouchable for now.

that's why we should celebrate and look forward to the decline of the West which is happening infront of our very eyes (but will take time to unfold).

Everybody in Macedonia is to scared or brainwashed to address the Albanian problem. Most leftists support them and the right wing parties are more concerned about energy prices and rewriting history. And everyone is scared to do something which might stop Macedonia getting into the EU, so they let low IQ violent criminals destroy their nation for the chance of free EU money and “European integration”.

Albanians are the real owners of FYROM.

All these actions show that Albanians don't consider FYROM a state worth existing.

No it shows Albanians are violent low impulse control criminals. They do the same thing in Kosovo too, does that mean they don’t think Kosovo is a state worth existing?

Or maybe your people are just low IQ and low impulse control and commit a lot of crime

Unlike the shithole of Bulgaria that esports only prostitutes and begggars in Europe, Kosovo is very safe and ordely, the crime rate is one of the lowest in Balkans.

You are the lowest scum of Europe.

When Albanians think of Bulgarians, they think of cheap whores and gypsies.

Half of your country is made of sewers and nomad camps.


Statistics and a single visit proves this.

I can send you some money if you don't have bread to eat btw.

What statistics? And Kosovo is the poorest country in the Balkans idk why you think we need food in a country your people literally lie about their ethnicity to get into (Albanians saying they are Macedonian Bulgarians to get Bulgarians passports)



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