Illegal immigrants shouldn’t be counted in anything except deportation orders. #census
Tomi Lahren
Molten Hair[/anagram]
Col. Tom Parker - Elvis's manager - was a Dutch illegal immigrant.
Question, OP: Was he - a white person - the only one...?!
I wonder what would happen if the people who keep saying this shit ever stopped to think that the census is one of the reasons the number of illegal immigrants can actually be realistically tracked without the numbers being pure bullshit pulled out of an ass somewhere. I’d like to see the looks on their faces if it actually sunk in, if nothing else. In addition to having a better idea of how to budget for the amount of live bodies you’re dealing with in a country (which is kind of important in figuring out how large your police force needs to be among other things) with accurate numbers it’s possible to know how big of a problem illegal immigration is or how effective measures to curb it can be without resorting to blind fearmongering and just crossing your fingers hoping however much blunt force you throw at it does something other than apparently arouse people like Tomi Lahren who somehow think their rights are protected by making rights easily stripped away and giving almost limitless power to an authority they claim not to trust every other hour of the day.
Also a quick reminder: So-called Sanctuary cities have lower crime rates because the immigrant population - illegals included, though for some illegal is just assumed until otherwise proven and not a lot of effort is dedicated to letting that get proved before punitive action is taken - is not terrified of co-operating with police when crimes happen in the area and will report them when they witness them. When people are terrified of police the police are less effective, not more. Just thought I’d mention that. When people are scared of police the streets are less safe. And it’s not just “criminals” or “thugs” that have reason to be afraid, as gets more plainly evident from the increasing violence visited on protesters and anyone with a camera. Even if you think you’re not in danger from the scary police personally you are at greater risk from the reduced overall trust of the public and immediate operational effectiveness no matter how many shows of force they commit to.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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