littleowl12 #transphobia

RE: I'm not sure if Trans Ideology is a new religious movement, even in the quasi sense, actually.

Religious people can be contradictory, but TRAs can't NOT be contradictory. Young Earth Creationists are delulu, but they do have a consistent belief. They don't believe in evolution and creationism at the same time. TRAs of the NB type believe that gender is both meaningless and crucial. The "tru scum" are more consistent with their "mind of a woman/man" silliness but they also believe that the body does not make you your gender, but it must somehow be corrected since yes it does make you your gender.

While religious people can be self-contradictory, they can also be consistent. (In being wrong).

Religious people can also be honest in a way TRAs can't. They might accept that no one else is buying their crap and they'll just have to smugly pity the nonbelievers. The TRA needs something out of you, however. Right now. He needs you to let him into your bathrooms. She needs you to accept her into your gay men's night club. He needs you to let him into your sport. She needs you to pay for her metoidioplasty.

If the TRA doesn't get results, it's not about you not Seeing The Light. That's not what they're grieving. They can't be satisfied with "well at least I'm saved!" because they wanted a material benefit out of you. If they don't get into women's spaces, or free "top surgeries" then the project is a failure.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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