The "Asians" are a complex and multi facetted grouping.
But realistic speaking the umbrella term "asians" is totally out dated and in need of modernisation.
For instance, the asians known as the old Indians of Indian.
They are homosapiens.
But the asians of Thailand, the Sians of Thai.
They are denisovans.
Theres a good hundred thousand years of evolution between the two.
The denisovans don't have sweat glads for instance, where as the homosapiens do.
There are hundreds of genetic variations, specialisations and differences between the "Asians"
Using the umbrella term "Asians" is only causing problems in the long term.
I am blunt for a good reason.
I refer to them all as simply coloureds.
Hence this is just another coloured march..
They are as common as muck.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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