wereqryan #psycho #racist #sexist #wingnut amren.com
As long as whites continue to fail in asserting their in-group preference and uniting as one people, their subjugation at the hands of lesser peoples will continue and grow. And what's preventing white unity has been the liberation of the white female whose bleeding-heart emotions, sensitivity and resistance has caused much fracturing in the white psyche.
Too many white women are busy waging a war against their own men in the name of securing feminist and Marxist interests as they desperately try to escape their obligations towards child rearing, family, and community. They are too busy pursing a life of sexual hedonism and female supremacy, which has caused white birth rates to decline and third world replacement to grow. Whites need to look at themselves first and address issues with female sexual liberation at home, before they can even begin their fight against ever vengeful minorities.