Patrick O'Carroll #conspiracy #racist #quack #wingnut
Just as the Bolshevik Zionists genocided 100 million Christians in Eastern Europe in their takeovers following Russia's two "revolutions" of 1917, and another 150 million Christians in the Christian Holocaust of WW1 and WW2, their publications state that they now intend to genocide hundreds of millions of Christians after this installation of worldwide communism in 2020. So beware! Even if they call this flavor of communism "Technocracy", it is the same.
In return, the Zionist plan is to pay him a lifelong UBI (universal basic income) until his vaccines sterilize him and his food-stamps kill him. Crucially, the "holy" books of Judaism (Talmud, Kabbalah, Zohar and "Protocols") all state that the Jewish messiah Ben David will never arrive until ALL the property of the world is owned by the Jews. Multiple passages of the same "holy" books of Judaism also call for the total genocide of all non-Jews.
They also appear to be preparing 2030 as a milestone year after which most of their changes can be undone. 2030 encodes 23, which satanic numerology often uses to represent an infinite string of sixes given that the factor two-thirds (2/3) corresponds to 66.6666... percent. Hence also the UN title Agenda 2030.
Finally, the Zionist Kill Grid, namely the silent-weapons system 5G first rolled out in Wuhan-China in late 2019, is set to induce the symptoms of nonexistent COVID "viruses". 5G poisons its victims by destroying the O² molecules in the human bloodstream (thus inducing much worse than mere pulmonary problems). The Zionists plan most of their genocide for the big "smart"-cities.