I Sekmet present myself to your audience tonight. The divine feminine and the divine masculine must come together in harmony for balance upon your earth plane. There has been much genetic and negatively polarized galactic interference. There has also been most positive galactic assistance, to your realm. I was a part of this on your Egyptian plane many thousands of your years ago. (I am seeing a female lioness in humanoid form, very tall majestic and very beautiful with Egyptian like adornments.)
I Sekmet am returned watching above in our skies as our troops on the ground clean and clear the astral, and serve in many capacities, currently unknown to you. The world of your Egypt was a beautiful one. I enjoyed my time serving humanity, serving as an example of light. We lent our technologies, we tried to assist after the great fall and the great purge, there was much that needed healing. But the genetic manipulations made it more challenging to interact than we had anticipated. We taught power within but it was twisted by those who wished to twist my message. I regret leaving, or I did for a millennia, but I now realize that experience has taught me so much. And I am returning to serve in a further capacity, from above, where my message will not be twisted or maligned.
It is and has been much the case with your servants of light who have come to serve and to experience the dark realm of earth polarity. Many stories were twisted to portray the message of control. And yet, no message is truly lost as the energetic intention of peace, love and hope is within them, and it does affect the energetics of the earth for a time. All of this is going to come to light. There will be much to forgive. We lionesses have been hunting, there has been much cleansing of your realm. Those who you see in power are perhaps not what you believe them to be. Technologies assists in many capacities. There is much holographic interference and blessing as the clean up is well underway.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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